Renowned Australian investment banker and philanthropist Philip Wollen Wednesday said that Indian entrepreneurs can cash in on the soft power of the country to reach out to the global markets. "The young entrepreneurs can use the soft-power concepts of India, such as 'Ahimsa' (non-violence), culture, food and other concepts to innovate new products to reach out to the world markets," Philip Wollen told IANS on the sidelines of The Indus Summit here. According to him, as the western countries are facing problems like severe lifestyle disease, depleting populations and cultural degradation, Indian entrepreneurs can provide alternate products and services which would be readily accepted. "You have already done well in the high-tech (Information Technology) sector as well as low-tech, like the Dabbawalas of Mumbai, now is the time to look at the mid-tech like food, culture and other Indian concepts," Wollen said. Other prominent speakers at day-two of the three-day summit included Israeli entrepreneur Zohar Zisapel, chairman, RAD Data Communications, who spoke about his experience of starting up a number of successful companies in Israel by focusing on new ideas and teamwork. Zisapel shared his success mantra with the audience which included entrepreneurs, professionals and students.The event is being organised by TiE, a group of over 15,000 first generation entrepreneurs from 14 countries.
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