Results of the new Harris Interactive survey which was conducted by Novell was presented to more than 200 IT large enterprises. The survey was about cloud computing and its adoption by organizations in the recent times. Harris Interactive survey gave a conclusion that Cloud computing was a new concept and it was gaining momentum in developing private cloud infrastructures for large IT organizations.
Companies are particularly interested in simplifying management across their integrated physical, virtual and cloud environments and this research strongly suggests that both private and public computing is increasing its popularity and will soon give solutions to companies according to their requisitions. The survey focused on large enterprises which had 2,500 to 20,000 employees and about 77 percent of them were found guilty of using cloud computing in some form or the other. Some organizations have already implemented the virtualization concept and private cloud is their next logical step. The survey shows that there a few organizations which have a mixed approach (using both private and public computing). But some prefer to use only private computing. If cloud computing is very much in demand and is gaining the attention of large enterprises what is stopping them from adopting the concept?The survey reveals that security is the main barrier for cloud computing adoption. About 91 percent are concerned about security issues in the public cloud, with 50 percent indicating security as the primary barrier to implementation. 86 percent believe data is more secure in a private cloud. 76 percent of those surveyed feel outside vendors are not as diligent about data security as internal IT departments. Difficulty maintaining regulatory policy compliance in the public cloud versus that of the private cloud was an issue for 81 percent of respondents.The data provided by Harris Interactive displays the market need for an integrated approach towards security and workload management. It shows that the market is in demand of secure and compliant solutions that manage applications in cloud in an enhanced way, irrespective of if it is a private, public or a hybrid computation. Understanding these concerns of the organizations, cloud computing can move up scales within an enterprise. Novell offers Workload IQ, a differentiated approach to achieving intelligent workload management by enabling organizations to build, secure, manage and measure workloads across physical, virtual and cloud environments. Designed for the heterogeneous reality of most IT environments, Novell Cloud Manager gives users the freedom and flexibility to create and manage private clouds.
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