It Was Interesting Week End , November 12 & 13'th Attended Conference @ Hotel Royal Orchid. Its About How Social Media is Working for the Corporations and How Brands get Popular Through the Social Media. Event Conducted By Social India 
Mainly Three Things I Want to Share
Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO ,Who Provides Meals to School Children's In India. Presently They Served 1.3 Million+ Children's a Day. Its Increasing Every Day.Its Biggest NGO in the World Who Served the Mid Day Meals to the School Children with High Tech Infrastructure facilities.
I think Its Fantastic Program for the India. When India is Growing Its Economic Status at the Same time Like these Help also required to the Society. Its a Responsibility of the Corporate's and Dedicated Individuals.They Also Implemented Six Sigma .

Anant is a Philanthropic Organization Who Provide the Scholarship for the Poor Students in India for their School & Higher Educations .
3) Learning From Life:
In Conference Speakers Shared Their Idea/View/Their Business About the Social Media.Apart From This Something Hits my Mind & Want to Share :
- " In Our Life we Take Everything from the Society and One Point of Time We have to Return back to the Society".
- "Thanks to the Friends,Relatives&Society - These are the Main Instruments/Platform to Correct our Thinking Level/Thoughts,Way Of Living,Making Decisions in our Life"
- "Some Times We Make/Correct our Self's Through Reading Books,Through Comments from Others,Learning From Others Success/Failures".
That's It. I Want Thanks to the Society Where I am Living, What I am Using Facility is Invented by Some One.What we are Giving Back to the Society?
Thinking About What Mukesh Ambani Said" India is Not a Billions Of Problems,Its a Billions of Opportunity".